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hash house harriers
Antalya Hash House Harriers
Antalya Hash House Harriers
Antalya Hash House Harriers
Antalya Hash House Harriers
Antalya Hash House Harriers
Antalya Hash House Harriers
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 Who we are?

Welcome to The Antalya Hash House Harriers!

We are drinkers with a running problem. Hashes are set anywhere from Antalya. AH3 hashes are on every second Sunday afternoon.

If you’ve never heard of us before, we are a social/running/drinking club with a running problem and Our goal is pretty simple - get a little exercise, quench our thirst with a beer, and give each other a hard time.

Special events include the Red Dress Run in the spring and the Night Hash party in late summer.

We Hash every second Sunday in the Antalya area. Directions to our next hash are on the Recending Hareline page.

And you can also check the Recending Hareline Hashes for specific dates.

 What is Hashing?

The Harriers & Harriettes Hashers are identified by their Hash names.

The Trails 
Trails are generally 5 to 8 km. Race, jog or walk. Well laid trails force front runners to stop often and re-find the trail, allowing the pack to catchup. 
Poorly laid trails result in the well deserved abuse of the Hare at the end. If you want to set a trail, contact us.

Hash Cash 4
For a mere small amount , you can enjoy the running and the refreshments.

The Beer 4
Generally there is a Beer Check during the run and always at the end. Hidden under the beer are soft drinks and water for the ill adjusted.

After The Run 
At the end of the trail to socialize and ceremoniously drink beer in the Down-Down circle. Some go On-On-On to eat together, drink together, and maybe do a little dancing.

More Information?
Contact our mismanagement.

 Hash Glossary

Are You ? – Question yelled by Hashers to determine if you are on trail. You respond with “Checking”, “On-On”, “On-Back”, “Looking” or “Lost”.

Checking – A Hasher who has reached a check point and is looking for the correct trail. A response to “Are You?” assuming that is what you are doing.

Check Point – A circle indicating more than one possible trail. Only one will be correct.

False Trail – A mark usually an X , that tells the pack the trail is false and to back check on the trail they’ve been running.

Hare: hasher who lays the trail

Hare’s Arrow – An arrow which indicates that you are definitely on trail.

Harrier: a male hasher

Harriette: female hasher

Hash Cash – The Hash embezzler, responsible for skimming money from the Hashers who turn up. Treasurer of the Hash.

Hash Name – Your parents had no ideal what they were doing when they named you. The Hash will fix that. A Hash Name is a fond nickname bestowed upon a Hasher after a certain number of runs, on special occasions or when the Hasher has done something so absurdly stupid that the Hash couldn’t wait to name them. It is considered bad form to call a Hasher by another name whilst at the Hash. Of course if your parents gave you a really embarrassing name like Archibold or Cuthbert you might keep that as your hash name. * Note : Don’t be too eager to get a Hash Name.

On In – The end of the trail.

On On – Shouted to encourage other hashers by indicating that you are on a true trail. The usual response to “Are You?”

On Back – A response to “Are You” shouted to tell other hashers that you are on a false trail and to turn around and head back to the check point

Virgin -You, if you’re reading this. A first time Hasher.

 Next Run
The next hash meet will be on,
Run#726, 3rd of Nov 2024 @ 11:00
BikeGuy & Mixer
 Latest News
725th Run
 Hash Song

(He,she’s,They)a/are Hashers through and through

(He,she’s,They)a/are Hashers,so are you

(He,she’s,They)a/are Hashers so they say,and(He,she,they)’ll never get to heaven in a long,long day

Drink it down,down,down,down,down,down,down

Drink it down,down,down,down,down,down,down

On your Head!!

Hashing on the Moon!
From March 10, 2050 10:00 until March 17, 2050 14:00
Register Now!